blob: 6268758884805c84d9ffa5ed0442a0e749635144 [file] [log] [blame]
$(function() {
// Connection to AsterixDB - Just one needed!
A = new AsterixDBConnection().dataverse("twitter");
// Following this is some stuff specific to the Black Cherry demo
// This is not necessary for working with AsterixDB
APIqueryTracker = {};
drilldown_data_map = {};
drilldown_data_map_vals = {};
asyncQueryManager = {};
// Populate review mode tweetbooks
review_mode_tweetbooks = [];
review_mode_handles = [];
map_cells = [];
map_tweet_markers = [];
map_info_windows = {};
// UI Elements - Modals & perspective tabs
$('#explore-mode').click( onLaunchExploreMode );
$('#review-mode').click( onLaunchReviewMode );
// UI Elements - A button to clear current map and query data
$("#clear-button").button().click(function () {
// UI Elements - Query setup
// UI Element - Grid sliders
var updateSliderDisplay = function(event, ui) {
if ( == "grid-lat-slider") {
} else {
sliderOptions = {
max: 10,
min: 1.5,
step: .1,
value: 2.0,
slidechange: updateSliderDisplay,
slide: updateSliderDisplay,
start: updateSliderDisplay,
stop: updateSliderDisplay
// UI Elements - Date Pickers
var dateOptions = {
dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
defaultDate: "2012-01-02",
navigationAsDateFormat: true,
constrainInput: true
var start_dp = $("#start-date").datepicker(dateOptions);
dateOptions['defaultDate'] = "2012-12-31";
var end_dp= $("#end-date").datepicker(dateOptions);
// This little bit of code manages period checks of the asynchronous query manager,
// which holds onto handles asynchornously received. We can set the handle update
// frequency using seconds, and it will let us know when it is ready.
var intervalID = setInterval(
function() {
// UI Elements - Creates map and location auto-complete
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.89, -77.03),
zoom: 4,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
streetViewControl: false,
draggable : false
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);
var input = document.getElementById('location-text-box');
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
if (place.geometry.viewport) {
} else {
map.setZoom(17); // Why 17? Because it looks good.
var address = '';
if (place.address_components) {
address = [(place.address_components[0] && place.address_components[0].short_name || ''),
(place.address_components[1] && place.address_components[1].short_name || ''),
(place.address_components[2] && place.address_components[2].short_name || '') ].join(' ');
// UI Elements - Selection Rectangle Drawing
shouldDraw = false;
var startLatLng;
selectionRect = null;
var selectionRadio = $("#selection-button");
var firstClick = true;
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousedown', function (event) {
// only allow drawing if selection is selected
if (selectionRadio.hasClass("active")) {
startLatLng = event.latLng;
shouldDraw = true;
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousemove', drawRect);
function drawRect (event) {
if (shouldDraw) {
if (!selectionRect) {
var selectionRectOpts = {
bounds: new google.maps.LatLngBounds(startLatLng, event.latLng),
map: map,
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeColor: "2b3f8c",
fillColor: "2b3f8c"
selectionRect = new google.maps.Rectangle(selectionRectOpts);
google.maps.event.addListener(selectionRect, 'mouseup', function () {
shouldDraw = false;
} else {
if (startLatLng.lng() < event.latLng.lng()) {
selectionRect.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(startLatLng, event.latLng));
} else {
selectionRect.setBounds(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(event.latLng, startLatLng));
// UI Elements - Toggle location search style by location or by map selection
$('#selection-button').on('click', function (e) {
$("#location-text-box").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (selectionRect) {
$('#location-button').on('click', function (e) {
if (selectionRect) {
// UI Elements - Tweetbook Management
$('.dropdown-menu a.holdmenu').click(function(e) {
$('#new-tweetbook-button').on('click', function (e) {
$('#new-tweetbook-entry').attr("placeholder", "Name a new tweetbook");
// UI Element - Query Submission
$("#submit-button").button().click(function () {
var kwterm = $("#keyword-textbox").val();
if (kwterm == "") {
addFailureBlock("Please enter a search term!", "explore-report-message");
} else {
$("#submit-button").attr("disabled", true);
var startdp = $("#start-date").datepicker("getDate");
var enddp = $("#end-date").datepicker("getDate");
var startdt = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", startdp)+"T00:00:00Z";
var enddt = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", enddp)+"T23:59:59Z";
var formData = {
"keyword": kwterm,
"startdt": startdt,
"enddt": enddt,
"gridlat": $("#grid-lat-slider").slider("value"),
"gridlng": $("#grid-lng-slider").slider("value")
// Get Map Bounds
var bounds;
if ($('#selection-button').hasClass("active") && selectionRect) {
bounds = selectionRect.getBounds();
} else {
bounds = map.getBounds();
var swLat = Math.abs(bounds.getSouthWest().lat());
var swLng = Math.abs(bounds.getSouthWest().lng());
var neLat = Math.abs(bounds.getNorthEast().lat());
var neLng = Math.abs(bounds.getNorthEast().lng());
formData["swLat"] = Math.min(swLat, neLat);
formData["swLng"] = Math.max(swLng, neLng);
formData["neLat"] = Math.max(swLat, neLat);
formData["neLng"] = Math.min(swLng, neLng);
var build_cherry_mode = "synchronous";
if ($('#asbox').is(":checked")) {
build_cherry_mode = "asynchronous";
$('#show-query-button').attr("disabled", false);
} else {
$('#show-query-button').attr("disabled", true);
var f = buildAQLQueryFromForm(formData);
APIqueryTracker = {
"query" : "use dataverse twitter;\n" + f.val(),
"data" : formData
// TODO Make dialog work correctly.
if (build_cherry_mode == "synchronous") {
A.query(f.val(), cherryQuerySyncCallback, build_cherry_mode);
} else {
A.query(f.val(), cherryQueryAsyncCallback, build_cherry_mode);
// Clears selection rectangle on query execution, rather than waiting for another clear call.
if (selectionRect) {
selectionRect = null;
function buildAQLQueryFromForm(parameters) {
var bounds = {
"ne" : { "lat" : parameters["neLat"], "lng" : -1*parameters["neLng"]},
"sw" : { "lat" : parameters["swLat"], "lng" : -1*parameters["swLng"]}
var rectangle =
new FunctionExpression("create-rectangle",
new FunctionExpression("create-point", bounds["sw"]["lat"], bounds["sw"]["lng"]),
new FunctionExpression("create-point", bounds["ne"]["lat"], bounds["ne"]["lng"]));
var aql = new FLWOGRExpression()
.ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessagesShifted"))
.LetClause("$keyword", new AExpression('"' + parameters["keyword"] + '"'))
.LetClause("$region", rectangle)
new FunctionExpression("spatial-intersect", "$t.sender-location", "$region"),
new AExpression('$t.send-time > datetime("' + parameters["startdt"] + '")'),
new AExpression('$t.send-time < datetime("' + parameters["enddt"] + '")'),
new FunctionExpression("contains", "$t.message-text", "$keyword")
new FunctionExpression("spatial-cell", "$t.sender-location",
new FunctionExpression("create-point", "24.5", "-125.5"),
parameters["gridlat"].toFixed(1), parameters["gridlng"].toFixed(1)),
.ReturnClause({ "cell" : "$c", "count" : "count($t)" });
return aql;
* getAllDataverseTweetbooks
* no params
* Returns all datasets of type TweetbookEntry, populates review_mode_tweetbooks
function getAllDataverseTweetbooks(fn_tweetbooks) {
// This creates a query to the Metadata for datasets of type
// TweetBookEntry. Note that if we throw in a WhereClause (commented out below)
// there is an odd error. This is being fixed and will be removed from this demo.
var getTweetbooksQuery = new FLWOGRExpression()
.ForClause("$ds", new AExpression("dataset Metadata.Dataset"))
//.WhereClause(new AExpression('$ds.DataTypeName = "TweetbookEntry"'))
"DataTypeName" : "$ds.DataTypeName",
"DatasetName" : "$ds.DatasetName"
// Now create a function that will be called when tweetbooks succeed.
// In this case, we want to parse out the results object from the Asterix
// REST API response.
var tweetbooksSuccess = function(r) {
// Parse tweetbook metadata results
$.each(r.results, function(i, data) {
if ($.parseJSON(data)["DataTypeName"] == "TweetbookEntry") {
// Now, if any tweetbooks already exist, opulate review screen.
$.each(review_mode_tweetbooks, function(i, tweetbook) {
// Now, we are ready to run a query.
A.meta(getTweetbooksQuery.val(), tweetbooksSuccess);
/** Asynchronous Query Management **/
* Checks through each asynchronous query to see if they are ready yet
function asynchronousQueryIntervalUpdate() {
for (var handle_key in asyncQueryManager) {
if (!asyncQueryManager[handle_key].hasOwnProperty("ready")) {
asynchronousQueryGetAPIQueryStatus( asyncQueryManager[handle_key]["handle"], handle_key );
* Returns current time interval to check for asynchronous query readiness
* @returns {number} milliseconds between asychronous query checks
function asynchronousQueryGetInterval() {
var seconds = 10;
return seconds * 1000;
* Retrieves status of an asynchronous query, using an opaque result handle from API
* @param {Object} handle, an object previously returned from an async call
* @param {number} handle_id, the integer ID parsed from the handle object
function asynchronousQueryGetAPIQueryStatus (handle, handle_id) {
"handle" : JSON.stringify(handle)
function (res) {
if (res["status"] == "SUCCESS") {
// We don't need to check if this one is ready again, it's not going anywhere...
// Unless the life cycle of handles has changed drastically
asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["ready"] = true;
// Indicate success.
$('#handle_' + handle_id).removeClass("btn-disabled").prop('disabled', false).addClass("btn-success");
* On-success callback after async API query
* @param {object} res, a result object containing an opaque result handle to Asterix
function cherryQueryAsyncCallback(res) {
// Parse handle, handle id and query from async call result
var handle_query = APIqueryTracker["query"];
var handle = res;
var handle_id = res["handle"].toString().split(',')[0];
// Add to stored map of existing handles
asyncQueryManager[handle_id] = {
"handle" : handle,
"query" : handle_query,
"data" : APIqueryTracker["data"]
// Create a container for this async query handle
.css("margin-left", "1em")
.css("margin-bottom", "1em")
.css("display", "block")
"class" : "btn-group",
"id" : "async_container_" + handle_id
// Adds the main button for this async handle
var handle_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-disabled" id="handle_' + handle_id + '">Handle ' + handle_id + '</button>';
$('#async_container_' + handle_id).append(handle_action_button);
$('#handle_' + handle_id).prop('disabled', true);
$('#handle_' + handle_id).on('click', function (e) {
// make sure query is ready to be run
if (asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["ready"]) {
APIqueryTracker = {
"query" : asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["query"],
"data" : asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["data"]
if (!asyncQueryManager[handle_id].hasOwnProperty("result")) {
// Generate new Asterix Core API Query
{ "handle" : JSON.stringify(asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["handle"]) },
function(res) {
asyncQueryManager[handle_id]["result"] = res;
} else {
// Adds a removal button for this async handle
var asyncDeleteButton = addDeleteButton(
"trashhandle_" + handle_id,
"async_container_" + handle_id,
function (e) {
$('#async_container_' + handle_id).remove();
delete asyncQueryManager[handle_id];
$('#async_container_' + handle_id).append('<br/>');
$("#submit-button").attr("disabled", false);
* returns a json object with keys: weight, latSW, lngSW, latNE, lngNE
* { "cell": { rectangle: [{ point: [22.5, 64.5]}, { point: [24.5, 66.5]}]}, "count": { int64: 5 }}
* cleanJSON
* @param json, a JSON string that is not correctly formatted.
* Quick and dirty little function to clean up an Asterix JSON quirk.
function cleanJSON(json) {
return json
.replace("rectangle", '"rectangle"')
.replace("point:", '"point":')
.replace("point:", '"point":')
.replace("int64", '"int64"');
* A spatial data cleaning and mapping call
* @param {Object} res, a result object from a cherry geospatial query
function cherryQuerySyncCallback(res) {
// Initialize coordinates and weights, to store
// coordinates of map cells and their weights
// TODO these are all included in coordinates already...
var coordinates = [];
var weights = [];
var al = 1;
// Parse resulting JSON objects. Here is an example record:
// { "cell": { rectangle: [{ point: [22.5, 64.5]}, { point: [24.5, 66.5]}]}, "count": { int64: 5 }}
$.each(res.results, function(i, data) {
// First, parse a JSON object from a cleaned up string.
var record = $.parseJSON(cleanJSON(data));
// Parse Coordinates and Weights into a record
var sw = record.cell.rectangle[0].point;
var ne = record.cell.rectangle[1].point;
var coordinate = {
"latSW" : sw[0],
"lngSW" : sw[1],
"latNE" : ne[0],
"lngNE" : ne[1],
"weight" : record.count.int64
triggerUIUpdate(coordinates, weights);
* Triggers a map update based on a set of spatial query result cells
* @param [Array] mapPlotData, an array of coordinate and weight objects
* @param [Array] plotWeights, a list of weights of the spatial cells - e.g., number of tweets
function triggerUIUpdate(mapPlotData, plotWeights) {
/** Clear anything currently on the map **/
// Compute data point spread
var dataBreakpoints = mapWidgetLegendComputeNaturalBreaks(plotWeights);
map_info_windows = {};
$.each(mapPlotData, function (m, val) {
// Only map points in data range of top 4 natural breaks
if (mapPlotData[m].weight > dataBreakpoints[0]) {
// Get color value of legend
var mapColor = mapWidgetLegendGetHeatValue(mapPlotData[m].weight, dataBreakpoints);
var markerRadius = mapWidgetComputeCircleRadius(mapPlotData[m], dataBreakpoints);
var point_opacity = 1.0;
var point_center = new google.maps.LatLng(
(mapPlotData[m].latSW + mapPlotData[m].latNE)/2.0,
(mapPlotData[m].lngSW + mapPlotData[m].lngNE)/2.0);
// Create and plot marker
var map_circle_options = {
center: point_center,
anchorPoint: point_center,
radius: markerRadius,
map: map,
fillOpacity: point_opacity,
fillColor: mapColor,
clickable: true
var map_circle = new google.maps.Circle(map_circle_options);
map_circle.val = mapPlotData[m];
map_info_windows[m] = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: mapPlotData[m].weight + "",
position: point_center
// Clicking on a circle drills down map to that value, hovering over it displays a count
// of tweets at that location.
google.maps.event.addListener(map_circle, 'click', function (event) {
$.each(map_info_windows, function(i) {
google.maps.event.addListener(map_circle, 'mouseover', function(event) {
if (!map_info_windows[m].getMap()) {
// Add this marker to global marker cells
* prepares an Asterix API query to drill down in a rectangular spatial zone
* @params {object} marker_borders [LEGACY] a set of bounds for a region from a previous api result
function onMapPointDrillDown(marker_borders) {
var zoneData = APIqueryTracker["data"];
var zswBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(marker_borders.latSW, marker_borders.lngSW);
var zneBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(marker_borders.latNE, marker_borders.lngNE);
var zoneBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(zswBounds, zneBounds);
zoneData["swLat"] = zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lat();
zoneData["swLng"] = zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
zoneData["neLat"] = zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
zoneData["neLng"] = zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
var zB = {
"sw" : {
"lat" : zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lat(),
"lng" : zoneBounds.getSouthWest().lng()
"ne" : {
"lat" : zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lat(),
"lng" : zoneBounds.getNorthEast().lng()
var customBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var zoomSWBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(zoneData["swLat"], zoneData["swLng"]);
var zoomNEBounds = new google.maps.LatLng(zoneData["neLat"], zoneData["neLng"]);
var df = getDrillDownQuery(zoneData, zB);
APIqueryTracker = {
"query_string" : "use dataverse twitter;\n" + df.val(),
"marker_path" : "static/img/mobile2.png",
"on_clean_result" : onCleanTweetbookDrilldown,
A.query(df.val(), onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot);
function getDrillDownQuery(parameters, bounds) {
var zoomRectangle = new FunctionExpression("create-rectangle",
new FunctionExpression("create-point", bounds["sw"]["lat"], bounds["sw"]["lng"]),
new FunctionExpression("create-point", bounds["ne"]["lat"], bounds["ne"]["lng"]));
var drillDown = new FLWOGRExpression()
.ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessagesShifted"))
.LetClause("$keyword", new AExpression('"' + parameters["keyword"] + '"'))
.LetClause("$region", zoomRectangle)
new FunctionExpression('spatial-intersect', '$t.sender-location', '$region'),
new AExpression().set('$t.send-time > datetime("' + parameters["startdt"] + '")'),
new AExpression().set('$t.send-time < datetime("' + parameters["enddt"] + '")'),
new FunctionExpression('contains', '$t.message-text', '$keyword')
"tweetId" : "$t.tweetid",
"tweetText" : "$t.message-text",
"tweetLoc" : "$t.sender-location"
return drillDown;
function onDrillDownAtLocation(tO) {
var tweetId = tO["tweetEntryId"];
var tweetText = tO["tweetText"];
// First, set tweet in drilldown modal to be this tweet's text
$('#modal-body-tweet').html('Tweet #' + tweetId + ": " + tweetText);
// Next, empty any leftover tweetbook comments or error/success messages
// Next, if there is an existing tweetcomment reported, show it.
if (tO.hasOwnProperty("tweetComment")) {
// Show correct panel
// Fill in existing tweet comment
// Change Tweetbook Badge
// Add deletion functionality
$("#modal-body-trash-icon").on('click', function () {
// Send comment deletion to asterix
var deleteTweetCommentOnId = '"' + tweetId + '"';
var toDelete = new DeleteStatement(
new AExpression("$mt.tweetid = " + deleteTweetCommentOnId.toString())
// Hide comment from map
// Replot tweetbook
} else {
// Show correct panel
// Now, when adding a comment on an available tweet to a tweetbook
$("#save-comment-tweetbook-modal").on('click', function(e) {
// Stuff to save about new comment
var save_metacomment_target_tweetbook = $("#modal-body-add-to").val();
var save_metacomment_target_comment = '"' + $("#modal-body-add-note").val() + '"';
var save_metacomment_target_tweet = '"' + tweetId + '"';
// Make sure content is entered, and then save this comment.
if ($("#modal-body-add-note").val() == "") {
addFailureBlock("Please enter a comment.", "modal-body-message-holder");
} else if ($("#modal-body-add-to").val() == "") {
addFailureBlock("Please enter a tweetbook.", "modal-body-message-holder");
} else {
// Check if tweetbook exists. If not, create it.
if (!(existsTweetbook(save_metacomment_target_tweetbook))) {
var toInsert = new InsertStatement(
"tweetid" : save_metacomment_target_tweet.toString(),
"comment-text" : save_metacomment_target_comment
A.update(toInsert.val(), function () {});
var successMessage = "Saved comment on <b>Tweet #" + tweetId +
"</b> in dataset <b>" + save_metacomment_target_tweetbook + "</b>.";
addSuccessBlock(successMessage, "modal-body-message-holder");
* Adds a new tweetbook entry to the menu and creates a dataset of type TweetbookEntry.
function onCreateNewTweetBook(tweetbook_title) {
var tweetbook_title = tweetbook_title.split(' ').join('_');
"create dataset " + tweetbook_title + "(TweetbookEntry) primary key tweetid;",
function () {}
if (!(existsTweetbook(tweetbook_title))) {
function onDropTweetBook(tweetbook_title) {
// AQL Call
"drop dataset " + tweetbook_title + " if exists;",
function () {}
// Removes tweetbook from review_mode_tweetbooks
var remove_position = $.inArray(tweetbook_title, review_mode_tweetbooks);
if (remove_position >= 0) review_mode_tweetbooks.splice(remove_position, 1);
// Clear UI with review tweetbook titles
for (r in review_mode_tweetbooks) {
function addTweetBookDropdownItem(tweetbook) {
// Add placeholder for this tweetbook
"class" : "btn-group",
"id" : "rm_holder_" + tweetbook
// Add plotting button for this tweetbook
var plot_button = '<button class="btn btn-default" id="rm_plotbook_' + tweetbook + '">' + tweetbook + '</button>';
$("#rm_holder_" + tweetbook).append(plot_button);
$("#rm_plotbook_" + tweetbook).width("200px");
$("#rm_plotbook_" + tweetbook).on('click', function(e) {
// Add trash button for this tweetbook
var onTrashTweetbookButton = addDeleteButton(
"rm_trashbook_" + tweetbook,
"rm_holder_" + tweetbook,
function(e) {
function onPlotTweetbook(tweetbook) {
// Clear map for this one
var plotTweetQuery = new FLWOGRExpression()
.ForClause("$t", new AExpression("dataset TweetMessagesShifted"))
.ForClause("$m", new AExpression("dataset " + tweetbook))
.WhereClause(new AExpression("$m.tweetid = $t.tweetid"))
"tweetId" : "$m.tweetid",
"tweetText" : "$t.message-text",
"tweetLoc" : "$t.sender-location",
"tweetCom" : "$m.comment-text"
APIqueryTracker = {
"query_string" : "use dataverse twitter;\n" + plotTweetQuery.val(),
"marker_path" : "static/img/mobile_green2.png",
"on_clean_result" : onCleanPlotTweetbook,
"active_tweetbook" : tweetbook
A.query(plotTweetQuery.val(), onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot);
function onTweetbookQuerySuccessPlot (res) {
var records = res["results"];
var coordinates = [];
map_tweet_markers = [];
map_tweet_overlays = [];
drilldown_data_map = {};
drilldown_data_map_vals = {};
var micon = APIqueryTracker["marker_path"];
var marker_click_function = onClickTweetbookMapMarker;
var clean_result_function = APIqueryTracker["on_clean_result"];
coordinates = clean_result_function(records);
for (var dm in coordinates) {
var keyLat = coordinates[dm].tweetLat.toString();
var keyLng = coordinates[dm].tweetLng.toString();
if (!drilldown_data_map.hasOwnProperty(keyLat)) {
drilldown_data_map[keyLat] = {};
if (!drilldown_data_map[keyLat].hasOwnProperty(keyLng)) {
drilldown_data_map[keyLat][keyLng] = [];
drilldown_data_map_vals[coordinates[dm].tweetEntryId.toString()] = coordinates[dm];
$.each(drilldown_data_map, function(drillKeyLat, valuesAtLat) {
$.each(drilldown_data_map[drillKeyLat], function (drillKeyLng, valueAtLng) {
// Get subset of drilldown position on map
var cposition = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(drillKeyLat), parseFloat(drillKeyLng));
// Create a marker using the snazzy phone icon
var map_tweet_m = new google.maps.Marker({
position: cposition,
map: map,
icon: micon,
clickable: true,
// Open Tweet exploration window on click
google.maps.event.addListener(map_tweet_m, 'click', function (event) {
// Add marker to index of tweets
function existsTweetbook(tweetbook) {
if (parseInt($.inArray(tweetbook, review_mode_tweetbooks)) == -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function onCleanPlotTweetbook(records) {
var toPlot = [];
// An entry looks like this:
// { "tweetId": "273589", "tweetText": " like verizon the network is amazing", "tweetLoc": { point: [37.78, 82.27]}, "tweetCom": "hooray comments" }
for (var entry in records) {
var points = records[entry].split("point:")[1].match(/[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+/g);
var tweetbook_element = {
"tweetEntryId" : parseInt(records[entry].split(",")[0].split(":")[1].split('"')[1]),
"tweetText" : records[entry].split("tweetText\": \"")[1].split("\", \"tweetLoc\":")[0],
"tweetLat" : parseFloat(points[0]),
"tweetLng" : parseFloat(points[1]),
"tweetComment" : records[entry].split("tweetCom\": \"")[1].split("\"")[0]
return toPlot;
function onCleanTweetbookDrilldown (rec) {
var drilldown_cleaned = [];
for (var entry = 0; entry < rec.length; entry++) {
// An entry looks like this:
// { "tweetId": "105491", "tweetText": " hate verizon its platform is OMG", "tweetLoc": { point: [30.55, 71.44]} }
var points = rec[entry].split("point:")[1].match(/[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+/g);
var drill_element = {
"tweetEntryId" : parseInt(rec[entry].split(",")[0].split(":")[1].replace('"', '')),
"tweetText" : rec[entry].split("tweetText\": \"")[1].split("\", \"tweetLoc\":")[0],
"tweetLat" : parseFloat(points[0]),
"tweetLng" : parseFloat(points[1])
return drilldown_cleaned;
function onClickTweetbookMapMarker(tweet_arr) {
// Clear existing display
$.each(tweet_arr, function (t, valueT) {
var tweet_obj = tweet_arr[t];
/** Toggling Review and Explore Modes **/
* Explore mode: Initial map creation and screen alignment
function onOpenExploreMap () {
var explore_column_height = $('#explore-well').height();
var right_column_width = $('#right-col').width();
$('#map_canvas').height(explore_column_height + "px");
$('#map_canvas').width(right_column_width + "px");
$('#review-well').height(explore_column_height + "px");
$('#review-well').css('max-height', explore_column_height + "px");
$('#right-col').height(explore_column_height + "px");
* Launching explore mode: clear windows/variables, show correct sidebar
function onLaunchExploreMode() {
* Launching review mode: clear windows/variables, show correct sidebar
function onLaunchReviewMode() {
* Lauching about mode: hides all windows, shows row containing about info
function onLaunchAboutMode() {
/** Icon / Interface Utility Methods **/
* Creates a delete icon button using default trash icon
* @param {String} id, id for this element
* @param {String} attachTo, id string of an element to which I can attach this button.
* @param {Function} onClick, a function to fire when this icon is clicked
function addDeleteButton(iconId, attachTo, onClick) {
var trashIcon = '<button class="btn btn-default" id="' + iconId + '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></button>';
$('#' + attachTo).append(trashIcon);
// When this trash button is clicked, the function is called.
$('#' + iconId).on('click', onClick);
* Creates a success message and attaches it to a div with provided ID.
* @param {String} message, a message to post
* @param {String} appendTarget, a target div to which to append the alert
function addSuccessBlock(message, appendTarget) {
$('#' + appendTarget).html('');
.attr("class", "alert alert-success")
.html('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>' + message)
.appendTo('#' + appendTarget);
* Creates a failure mesage and attaches it to a div with provided id.
* @param {String} message, a message to post
* @param {String} target, a target div to append the message
function addFailureBlock(message, target) {
$('#' + target).html('');
.attr("class", "alert alert-danger")
.html('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>' + message)
.appendTo('#' + target);
* mapWidgetResetMap
* [No Parameters]
* Clears ALL map elements - plotted items, overlays, then resets position
function mapWidgetResetMap() {
if (selectionRect) {
selectionRect = null;
// Reset map center and zoom
map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(38.89, -77.03));
* mapWidgetClearMap
* No parameters
* Removes data/markers
function mapWidgetClearMap() {
// Remove previously plotted data/markers
for (c in map_cells) {
map_cells = [];
for (m in map_tweet_markers) {
map_tweet_markers = [];
$("#submit-button").attr("disabled", false);
* Uses jenks algorithm in geostats library to find natural breaks in numeric data
* @param {number Array} weights of points to plot
* @returns {number Array} array of natural breakpoints, of which the top 4 subsets will be plotted
function mapWidgetLegendComputeNaturalBreaks(weights) {
if (weights.length < 10) {
return [0];
var plotDataWeights = new geostats(weights.sort());
return plotDataWeights.getJenks(6).slice(2,7);
* Computes values for map legend given a value and an array of jenks breakpoints
* @param {number} weight of point to plot on map
* @param {number Array} breakpoints, an array of 5 points corresponding to bounds of 4 natural ranges
* @returns {String} an RGB value corresponding to a subset of data
function mapWidgetLegendGetHeatValue(weight, breakpoints) {
// Determine into which range the weight falls
var weightColor = 0;
if (breakpoints.length == 1) {
weightColor = 2;
} else {
if (weight >= breakpoints[3]) {
weightColor = 3;
} else if (weight >= breakpoints[2]) {
weightColor = 2;
} else if (weight >= breakpoints[1]) {
weightColor = 1;
// Get default map color palette
var colorValues = mapWidgetGetColorPalette();
return colorValues[weightColor];
* Returns an array containing a 4-color palette, lightest to darkest
* External palette source:
* @returns {Array} [colors]
function mapWidgetGetColorPalette() {
return [
* Computes radius for a given data point from a spatial cell
* @param {Object} keys => ["latSW" "lngSW" "latNE" "lngNE" "weight"]
* @returns {number} radius between 2 points in metres
function mapWidgetComputeCircleRadius(spatialCell, breakpoints) {
var weight = spatialCell.weight;
if (breakpoints.length == 1) {
var weightColor = 0.25;
} else {
// Compute weight color
var weightColor = 0.25;
if (weight >= breakpoints[3]) {
weightColor = 1.0;
} else if (weight >= breakpoints[2]) {
weightColor = 0.75;
} else if (weight >= breakpoints[1]) {
weightColor = 0.5;
// Define Boundary Points
var point_center = new google.maps.LatLng((spatialCell.latSW + spatialCell.latNE)/2.0, (spatialCell.lngSW + spatialCell.lngNE)/2.0);
var point_left = new google.maps.LatLng((spatialCell.latSW + spatialCell.latNE)/2.0, spatialCell.lngSW);
var point_top = new google.maps.LatLng(spatialCell.latNE, (spatialCell.lngSW + spatialCell.lngNE)/2.0);
// TODO not actually a weight color :)
return weightColor * 1000 * Math.min(distanceBetweenPoints_(point_center, point_left), distanceBetweenPoints_(point_center, point_top));
/** External Utility Methods **/
* Calculates the distance between two latlng locations in km.
* @see
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} p1 The first lat lng point.
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} p2 The second lat lng point.
* @return {number} The distance between the two points in km.
* @private
function distanceBetweenPoints_(p1, p2) {
if (!p1 || !p2) {
return 0;
var R = 6371; // Radius of the Earth in km
var dLat = ( - * Math.PI / 180;
var dLon = (p2.lng() - p1.lng()) * Math.PI / 180;
var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) *
Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
var d = R * c;
return d;