Binary Functions


  • Syntax:

    parse_binary(string, encoding)

  • Creates a binary from an string encoded in encoding format.

  • Arguments:

    • string : an encoded string,
    • encoding : a string notation specifies the encoding type of the given string. Currently we support hex and base64 format.
  • Return Value:

    • a binary that is decoded from the given string,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,
    • any other non-string input value will cause a type error.
  • Example:

    [ parse_binary("ABCDEF0123456789","hex"), parse_binary("abcdef0123456789","HEX"), parse_binary('QXN0ZXJpeAE=',"base64") ];

  • The expected result is:

    [ hex("ABCDEF0123456789"), hex("ABCDEF0123456789"), hex("4173746572697801") ]


  • Syntax:

    print_binary(binary, encoding)

  • Prints a binary to the required encoding string format.

  • Arguments:

    • binary : a binary data need to be printed.
    • encoding : a string notation specifies the expected encoding type. Currently we support hex and base64 format.
  • Return Value:

    • a string that represents the encoded format of a binary,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,
    • any other non-string input value will cause a type error.
  • Example:

    [ print_binary(hex("ABCDEF0123456789"), "base64"), print_binary(base64("q83vASNFZ4k="), "hex") ]
  • The expected result are:

    [ "q83vASNFZ4k=", "ABCDEF0123456789" ]


  • Syntax:


  • Returns the number of bytes storing the binary data.

  • Arguments:

    • binary : a binary value to be checked.
  • Return Value:

    • an bigint that represents the number of bytes,
    • missing if the argument is a missing value,
    • null if the argument is a null value,
    • any other non-binary input value will cause a type error.
  • Example:

  • The expected result is:



  • Syntax:

    sub_binary(binary, offset[, length])

  • Returns the sub binary from the given binary based on the given start offset with the optional length.

  • Arguments:

    • binary : a binary to be extracted,
    • offset : a tinyint, smallint, integer, or bigint value as the starting offset of the sub binary in binary (starting at 0),
    • length : (Optional) a tinyint, smallint, integer, or bigint value as the length of the sub binary.
  • Return Value:

    • a binary that represents the sub binary,
    • missing if any argument is a missing value,
    • null if any argument is a null value but no argument is a missing value,
    • a type error will be raised if:
      • the first argument is any other non-binary value,
      • or, the second argument is any other non-integer value,
      • or, the third argument is any other non-integer value, if it is present.
  • Example:

    sub_binary(hex("AABBCCDD"), 4);
  • The expected result is



  • Syntax:


  • Concatenates a binary array or multiset into a single binary.

  • Arguments:

    • array : an array or multiset of binaries (could be null or missing) to be concatenated.
  • Return Value :

    • the concatenated binary value,
    • missing if the argument is a missing value,
    • null if the argument is a null value,
    • missing if any element in the input array is missing,
    • null if any element in the input array is null but no element in the input array is missing,
    • any other non-array input value or non-binary element in the input array will cause a type error.
  • Example:

    binary_concat([hex("42"), hex(""), hex('42')]);

  • The expected result is
