[NO-ISSUE][GRAPHIX] Updating rewriter for Graphix.

- Rewriter now generates SQLPP ASTs that a) minimize the nesting to
  reduce the time to compile and b) maximize the number of hash
  JOINs. This is accomplished by aiming for "wide" ASTs (via UNION-ALLs)
  as opposed to nested SELECT-EXPRs.
- Rewriter now pushes isomorphism conjuncts earlier (via a "correlated
  WHERE clause").
- Schema information for functions are now added in lazy manner, as
  opposed to eagerly.
- Added a DECLARE GRAPH statement.
- Added a SOURCE_VERTEX and DEST_VERTEX function.
- Fixed a bug w/ the element resolver not handling sub-paths properly.

Change-Id: I95c56b38e7a01e6f73fe59c2243f88646735ed39
Reviewed-on: https://asterix-gerrit.ics.uci.edu/c/asterixdb-graph/+/16543
Tested-by: Jenkins <jenkins@fulliautomatix.ics.uci.edu>
Reviewed-by: Glenn Galvizo <ggalvizo@uci.edu>
diff --git a/asterix-graphix/src/main/resources/lang-extension/lang.txt b/asterix-graphix/src/main/resources/lang-extension/lang.txt
index a1d12e6..5338219 100644
--- a/asterix-graphix/src/main/resources/lang-extension/lang.txt
+++ b/asterix-graphix/src/main/resources/lang-extension/lang.txt
@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.expression.VertexPatternExpr;
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.optype.MatchType;
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.statement.CreateGraphStatement;
+import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.statement.DeclareGraphStatement;
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.statement.GraphDropStatement;
-import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.statement.GraphElementDecl;
+import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.statement.GraphElementDeclaration;
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.struct.EdgeDescriptor;
 import org.apache.asterix.graphix.lang.struct.ElementLabel;
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.parser.ParseException;
@@ -39,10 +40,10 @@
 import org.apache.asterix.lang.sqlpp.parser.Token;
-public GraphElementDecl parseGraphElementBody(GraphElementIdentifier identifier) throws CompilationException {
-    return parseImpl(new ParseFunction<GraphElementDecl>() {
+public GraphElementDeclaration parseGraphElementBody(GraphElementIdentifier identifier) throws CompilationException {
+    return parseImpl(new ParseFunction<GraphElementDeclaration>() {
-        public GraphElementDecl parse() throws ParseException {
+        public GraphElementDeclaration parse() throws ParseException {
             DataverseName dataverse = defaultDataverse;
             defaultDataverse = identifier.getGraphIdentifier().getDataverseName();
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
             defaultDataverse = dataverse;
-            return new GraphElementDecl(identifier, elementBodyExpr);
+            return new GraphElementDeclaration(identifier, elementBodyExpr);
@@ -153,57 +154,135 @@
-Statement CreateStatement() throws ParseException:
+Statement SingleStatement() throws ParseException:
-  // merge area 1
-  before:
-  after:
+  Statement stmt = null;
-    // merge area 2
+    stmt = DataverseDeclaration()
+    | stmt = DeclareStatement()
+    | stmt = CreateStatement()
+    | stmt = LoadStatement()
+    | stmt = DropStatement()
+    | stmt = WriteStatement()
+    | stmt = SetStatement()
+    | stmt = InsertStatement()
+    | stmt = DeleteStatement()
+    | stmt = UpdateStatement()
+    | stmt = UpsertStatement()
+    | stmt = ConnectionStatement()
+    | stmt = CompactStatement()
+    | stmt = Query()
+    | stmt = RefreshExternalDatasetStatement()
+  )
+  {
+    return stmt;
+  }
+Statement DeclareStatement() throws ParseException:
+  Token startToken = null;
+  Statement stmt = null;
+  <DECLARE> { startToken = token; }
+  (
+    stmt = FunctionDecl(startToken)
+    | stmt = GraphDecl(startToken)
+  )
+  {
+    return stmt;
+  }
+// Note: this is the same as FunctionDeclaration in the main grammar with the <DECLARE> token removed.
+FunctionDecl FunctionDecl(Token startToken) throws ParseException:
+  String functionName;
+  Pair<Integer, List<Pair<VarIdentifier,TypeExpression>>> paramsWithArity = null;
+  Expression funcBody;
+  createNewScope();
+  functionName = Identifier()
+  paramsWithArity = FunctionParameters()
+  funcBody = FunctionBody()
+  {
+    int arity = paramsWithArity.first;
+    List<Pair<VarIdentifier,TypeExpression>> paramList = paramsWithArity.second;
+    FunctionSignature signature = new FunctionSignature(defaultDataverse, functionName, arity);
+    getCurrentScope().addFunctionDescriptor(signature, false);
+    ensureNoTypeDeclsInFunction(functionName, paramList, null, startToken);
+    List<VarIdentifier> params = new ArrayList<VarIdentifier>(paramList.size());
+    for (Pair<VarIdentifier,TypeExpression> p: paramList) {
+        params.add(p.getFirst());
+    }
+    FunctionDecl stmt = new FunctionDecl(signature, params, funcBody, false);
+    removeCurrentScope();
+    return addSourceLocation(stmt, startToken);
+  }
+Statement CreateStatement() throws ParseException:
+  (
     after:    | stmt = CreateGraphStatement(startToken, false)
-    // merge area 3
 Statement CreateOrReplaceStatement(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
-  // merge area 1
-  before:
-  after:
-    // merge area 2
     after:    | stmt = CreateGraphStatement(startStmtToken, true)
-    // merge area 3
 Statement DropStatement() throws ParseException:
-  // merge area 1
-  before:
-  after:
-    // merge area 2
     after:    | stmt = DropGraphStatement(startToken)
-    // merge area 3
+  }
+DeclareGraphStatement GraphDecl(Token startStmtToken) throws ParseException:
+  GraphConstructor graphConstructor = null;
+  String graphName = null;
+  <GRAPH>
+  graphName = Identifier()
+  <AS> graphConstructor = GraphConstructor(token)
+  {
+    DeclareGraphStatement stmt = new DeclareGraphStatement(graphName, graphConstructor);
+    return addSourceLocation(stmt, startStmtToken);